Insider: How a clinic abandoned an aging patient

A 69-year-old woman with a heart condition is now without a doctor, she may not know until December if she’ll have a replacement.

Good morning!

Today we’ve got something a little different at City Hall Insider. Our main story today is about a woman in the city who finds herself suddenly without a family doctor. It’s a story that’s playing out in households all across the community. Family doctors are in critically short supply, as so many other parts of the healthcare system seem to be falling apart.

Now, this woman, who you’ll meet shortly, is without a doctor and worried she may not find another.

I also wanted to thank you all for your patience of late with the Insider’s irregular publishing schedule. I’ve had some personal family stuff to deal with, which has made putting this newsletter out on time occasionally difficult. We’re a very small operation. IN any case, we appreciate your support and forbearance.

Why don’t we get to it.

— Robert Hiltz, managing editor

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For one senior, the family doctor crisis hits home

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As of today, Evelyn Miller no longer has a family doctor. For the last 25 years, she’d been a patient of Bruyère, an academic health facility affiliated with the University of Ottawa. But with her doctor departing the clinic because of health reasons, Miller has been left out in the cold.

The 69-year-old has a heart condition, and has lived alone in Calabogie since the death of her husband in 2015. She said the loss of her doctor is weighing heavily on her.

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